So when something is happening in our national TV psyche, everyone is talking about a programme and you haven't a clue what everyone is talking about, what do you do?  I've never watched Breaking Bad. The Walking Dead passed me by. I missed The Missing. I love politics but couldn't commit to The Good Wife. The unlikeliest of my friends are into Game of Thrones. I'm not tempted. 

I watch lots of video content, clever online shorts, clips from TV programmes, award-winning films, keen to bring the latest technology and new filming techniques to our films.  It's those national TV moments I seem to miss. 

So I decided to watch the third and final series of Broadchurch on Monday night thinking I might as well go to the party, although very late and with only a lime and soda. And of course it was great. Brilliant actors, lots of suspense, a great script and beautifully crafted characters.  If you've not watched it, you should.

It is a classic example of excellent storytelling, something we strive for every day at work. Every film needs a great narrative, people you believe in, visually stimulating environments and every moment of the film compelling, keeping your viewer engaged.

Storytelling through marketing works, because you're sharing a knowledge, or a giving a lesson, or you're inspiring someone with your own story. Rather than just selling, you're giving the viewer something of value. Storytelling offers the opportunity to talk with your audience, not at them - then people can't help but want to be a part of your story.

I can't wait for the next episode of Broadchurch. Then I think I'll watch series one and two. Even if I don't have anyone to talk to about it at the watercooler.