Following her address to Facebook last week, yesterday Sinead O’Connor shared a raw sensitive clip to her followers on Facebook. O’Connor took to Facebook revealing her feelings during a time she had felt she could no longer cope outside of a hospital, expressing her loneliness and distress with missing her family and loved ones.

The move to directly to address her followers and share a raw emotive outpouring of thoughts of feelings, evoked a predominantly positive response, with fans rushing to deliver messages of support to O’Connor. Fans and followers were further encouraged by Annie Lennox, who tweeted “I just watched this truly distressing call for help by Sinead O'Connor, from a motel room in New Jersey, where she says there's no one there to help her, with the exception of a psychiatrist and a doctor.” The message of concern posted by Lennox was embraced social media users who further expressed their concern for the singer.

Nevertheless, in sync with the advent of social media has been the criticism of the platforms, and it’s detrimental contribution to mental health. However in a world where social media has earned itself a bad name, and in many instances for very valid reasons, it is important to acknowledge the support and community social media has the ability to provide.

Of course, it is of paramount importance that individuals effected by mental health issues should seek medical advice, however, in a time where news outlets seem to be saturated by reports of negativity, it is important to acknowledge the positivity of those who take to social media in order to show compassion and support to those who choose to share.